
News and Updates about Intera Oncology


April 12, 2023 - Intera Oncology Showcases Intera 3000 Hepatic Artery Infusion (HAI) Pump at the Annual Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Conference


January 19, 2023, Boston, MA - Intera 3000, the only FDA-approved implantable pump for HAI therapy, showcased at ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancer Symposium 2023


June 15, 2022, Portland, OR - OHSU HAI clinical trial shows promise


June 2021, Boston - FDA approves manufacture of Intera 3000 Hepatic Arterial Infusion Pump

March 2019, Boston - Michael Gaisford joins Intera Oncology President and CEO

February 2019, Boston - Intera Oncology launches to save HAI pump


April 25, 2018, New York - A lifesaving pump for cancer patients is being phased out

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