Select Bibliography

Adjuvant Hepatic Artery Infusion Chemotherapy is Associated With Improved Survival Regardless of KRAS Mutation Status in Patients With Resected Colorectal Liver Metastases

Gholami, Sepideh MD; Kemeny, Nancy E. MD; Boucher, Taryn M. BA; Gönen, Mithat PhD; Cercek, Andrea MD; Kingham, T. Peter MD; Balachandran, Vinod MD; Allen, Peter MD; DeMatteo, Ronald MD; Drebin, Jeffrey MD, PhD; Jarnagin, William MD; D’Angelica, Michael MD, FACS

Annals of Surgery – August 2020

Hepatic artery infusion pumps.

Cornelius A. Thiels DO, MBA, Michael I. D'Angelica MD, FACS

J Surg Oncol. – July, 2020

Assessment of Hepatic Arterial Infusion of Floxuridine in Combination With Systemic Gemcitabine and Oxaliplatin in Patients With Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma A Phase 2 Clinical Trial

Andrea Cercek, Thomas Boerner, Benjamin R Tan, Joanne F Chou, Mithat Gönen, Taryn M Boucher, Haley F Hauser, Richard K G Do, Maeve A Lowery, James J Harding, Anna M Varghese, Diane Reidy-Lagunes, Leonard Saltz, Nikolaus Schultz, T Peter Kingham, Michael I D'Angelica, Ronald P DeMatteo, Jeffrey A Drebin, Peter J Allen, Vinod P Balachandran, Kian-Huat Lim, Francisco Sanchez-Vega, Neeta Vachharajani, Maria B Majella Doyle, Ryan C Fields, William G Hawkins, Steven M Strasberg, William C Chapman, Luis A Diaz Jr, Nancy E Kemeny, William R Jarnagin

JAMA Oncol. – Oct, 2019

Adjuvant Hepatic Arterial Infusion Pump Chemotherapy After Resection of Colorectal Liver Metastases: Results of a Safety and Feasibility Study in The Netherlands

Florian E. Buisman MD, Dirk J. Grünhagen MD, PhD, Marjolein Y. V. Homs MD, PhD, Cecile Grootscholten MD, PhD, Wills F. Filipe MD, Nancy E. Kemeny MD, Andrea Cercek MD, Micheal I. D’Angelica MD, Maarten L. Donswijk MD, Leni van Doorn NP, Jasper Emmering MD, PhD, William R. Jarnagin MD, T. Peter Kingham MD, Elisabeth G. Klompenhouwer MD, PhD, Niels F. M. Kok MD, PhD, Maria C. Kuiper NP, Adriaan Moelker MD, PhD, Warner Prevoo MD, Michelle W. J. Versleijen MD, PhD, Cornelis Verhoef MD, PhD, Koert F. D. Kuhlmann MD, PhD & Bas Groot Koerkamp MD, PhD

Springer Link – October 2019

Hepatic Arterial Infusion Converts 'Unresectable' Colorectal Liver Mets

Nancy Kemeny, MD Michael D’Angelica, MD Jashodeep Datta, MD

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center For Healthcare Professionals – August 2, 2019

Liver-Directed and Systemic Therapies for Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases.

Nancy Kemeny, Ieva Kurilova, Jia Li, Juan C. Camacho & Constantinos T. Sofocleous

Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol – July, 2019

Surgical Resection Does Not Improve Survival in Multifocal Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: A Comparison of Surgical Resection with Intra-Arterial Therapies

G. Paul Wright MD, Samantha Perkins PA-C, Heather Jones PA-C, Amer H. Zureikat MD, J. Wallis Marsh MD, Matthew P. Holtzman MD, Herbert J. Zeh III MD, David L. Bartlett MD & James F. Pingpank Jr. MD

Ann Surg Oncol – Oct, 2018

Effectiveness of Hepatic Artery Infusion (HAI) Versus Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (Y90) for Pretreated Isolated Unresectable Colorectal Liver Metastases (IU-CRCLM).

Mashaal Dhir MD, Mazen S. Zenati MD, PhD, Heather L. Jones PA, David L. Bartlett MD, M. Haroon A. Choudry MD, James F. Pingpank MD, Matthew P. Holtzman MD, Nathan Bahary MD, Melissa E. Hogg MD, Herbert J. Zeh III MD, David A. Geller MD, J. Wallis Marsh MD, MBA, Allan Tsung MD & Amer H. Zureikat MD

Ann Surg Oncol – Nov, 2017

Prospective phase II trial of combination hepatic artery infusion and systemic chemotherapy for unresectable colorectal liver metastases: Long term results and curative potential

Linda M. Pak MD, Nancy E. Kemeny MD, Marinela Capanu PhD, Joanne F. Chou MPH, Taryn Boucher BA, Andrea Cercek MD, Vinod P. Balachandran MD, T. Peter Kingham MD, Peter J. Allen MD, Ronald P. DeMatteo MD, William R. Jarnagin MD, Michael I. D'Angelica MD

J Surg Oncol – November 22, 2017

A Comparison of Yttrium-90 Microsphere Radioembolization to Hepatic Arterial Infusional Chemotherapy for Patients with Chemo-refractory Hepatic Colorectal Metastases

Andrea Cercek, Vyacheslav Gendel, Salma Jabbour, Dirk Moore, Chunxia Chen, John Nosher, Marinela Capanu, Joanne F Chou, Taryn Boucher, Nancy Kemeny, Darren R Carpizo

Curr. Treat. Options in Oncol – July, 2017

Perioperative Hepatic Arterial Infusion Pump Chemotherapy Is Associated With Longer Survival After Resection of Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Propensity Score Analysis

Bas Groot Koerkamp, Eran Sadot, Nancy E. Kemeny, Mithat Gönen, Julie N. Leal, Peter J. Allen, Andrea Cercek, Ronald P. DeMatteo, T. Peter Kingham, William R. Jarnagin, and Michael I.

J Clin Oncol. – April, 2017

Treatment Options in Colorectal Liver Metastases: Hepatic Arterial Infusion

Zervoudakis A., Boucher T., Kemeny N.E

Visc Med – Feb, 2017

Response Rates of Hepatic Arterial Infusion Pump Therapy in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases Refractory to All Standard Chemotherapies

Andrea Cercek MD, Taryn M. Boucher BA, Jill S. Gluskin MD, Ariel Aguiló MD, Joanne F. Chou MPH, Louise C. Connell MB, BCH, BAO, BSc, Marinela Capanu PhD, Diane Reidy‐Lagunes MD, Michael D'Angelica MD, Nancy E. Kemeny MD

Journal Of Surgical Oncology – August 26, 2016

Hepatic Arterial Infusion in Combination with Modern Systemic Chemotherapy is Associated with Improved Survival Compared with Modern Systemic Chemotherapy Alone in Patients with Isolated Unresectable Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Case–Control Study.

Mashaal Dhir MD, Heather L. Jones MPA-C, Yongli Shuai MS, Amber K. Clifford MPA-C, Samantha Perkins MPA-C, Jennifer Steve BS, Melissa E. Hogg MD, M. Haroon A. Choudry MD, James F. Pingpank MD, Matthew P. Holtzman MD, Herbert J. Zeh III MD, Nathan Bahary MD, PhD, David L. Bartlett MD & Amer H. Zureikat MD

Ann Surg Oncol. – July, 2016

Hepatic Artery Infusional Chemotherapy

Heather L. Lewis MD., Mark Bloomston MD.

Science Direct – April 2016

Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Systemic Plus Hepatic Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy is Associated with Longer Survival Compared to Systemic Chemotherapy Alone

Ioannis T. Konstantinidis MD, Bas Groot Koerkamp MD, Richard K.G. Do MD, Mithat Gönen PhD, Yuman Fong MD, Peter J. Allen MD, Michael I. D’Angelica MD, T. Peter Kingham MD, Ronald P. DeMatteo MD, David S. Klimstra MD, Nancy E. Kemeny MD, and William R. Jarnagin MD

Cancer – March, 2016

Updated long‐term survival for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with liver resection followed by hepatic arterial infusion and systemic chemotherapy

Nancy E. Kemeny MD.,Joanne F. Chou MPH,Taryn M. Boucher BA, Marinela Capanu PhD., Ronald P. DeMatteo MD., William R. Jarnagin MD., Peter J. Allen MD., Yuman C. Fong MD., Andrea Cercek MD., Michael I. D'Angelica MD.

Wiley Online Library – February 2016

Radioembolization as a salvage therapy for heavily pre-treated patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases: factors affecting outcomes

Constantinos T. Sofocleous, Elena G. Violari, Vlasios S. Sotirchos, Waleed Shady, Mithat Gonen, Neeta Pandit-Taskar, Elena N. Petre, Lynn A. Brody, William Alago, Richard K. Do, Michael I. D'Angelica, Joseph R. Osborne, Neil H. Segal, Jorge A. Carrasquillo, Nancy E. Kemeny

Clin Colorectal Cancer – Dec, 2015

Phase II Trial of Hepatic Artery Infusional and Systemic Chemotherapy for With Unresectable Hepatic Metastases From Colorectal Cancer Conversion to Resection and Long-term Outcomes

D'Angelica, Michael I. MD; Correa-Gallego, Camilo MD; Paty, Philip B. MD; Cercek, Andrea MD; Gewirtz, Alexandra N. BA; Chou, Joanne F. MPH; Capanu, Marinella PhD; Kingham, T. Peter MD; Fong, Yuman MD; DeMatteo, Ronald P. MD; Allen, Peter J. MD; Jarnagin, William R. MD; Kemeny, Nancy MD

Ann Surg. – Feb, 2015

Regional Chemotherapy for Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: A Potential Role for Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging as an Imaging Biomarker and a Survival Update from Two Prospective Clinical Trials

Ioannis T Konstantinidis, Richard K G Do, David H Gultekin, Mithat Gönen, Lawrence H Schwartz, Yuman Fong, Peter J Allen, Michael I D'Angelica, Ronald P DeMatteo, David S Klimstra, Nancy E Kemeny, William R Jarnagin

Ann Surg Oncol – August 2014

Hepatic arterial infusion pump chemotherapy in the management of colorectal liver metastases: expert consensus statement

P J Karanicolas, P Metrakos, K Chan, T Asmis, E Chen, T P Kingham, N Kemeny, G Porter, R C Fields, J Pingpank, E Dixon, A Wei, S Cleary, G Zogopoulos, C Dey, M D'Angelica, Y Fong, S Dowden, Y J Ko

Current Oncology – Feb, 2014

Improvement in Survival for Patients with Liver Metastases. MSKCC For Healthcare Professionals/Clinical Trials & Updates/Clinical Updates & Insights.

Nancy E. Kemeny, MD, Michael I. D’Angelica, MD

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center – Dec, 2013

The re-birth of hepatic arterial infusion for colorectal liver metastases

J Gastrointest Oncol, Nancy E Kemeny – June 2013

Treating Primary Liver Cancer with Hepatic Arterial Infusion of Floxuridine and Dexamethasone: Does the Addition of Systemic Bevacizumab Improve Results?

Nancy E. Kemeny, Lawrence Schwartz, Mithat Gönen, Adam Yopp, David Gultekin, Michael I. D’Angelica, Yuman Fong, Dana Haviland, Alexandra N. Gewirtz, Peter Allen, William R. Jarnagin

Oncology – July 14, 2011

Regional chemotherapy for unresectable primary liver cancer: results of a phase II clinical trial and assessment of DCE-MRI as a biomarker of survival. Annals of Oncology

W. R. Jarnagin, L. H. Schwartz, D. H. Gultekin, M. Gönen, D. Haviland, J. Shia, M. D'Angelica, Y. Fong, R. DeMatteo, A. Tse, L. H. Blumgart, and N. Kemeny

Ann Oncol. – Sep, 2009

Conversion to Resectability Using Hepatic Artery Infusion Plus Systemic Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Unresectable Liver Metastases From Colorectal Carcinoma

Nancy E. Kemeny, Fidel D. Huitzil Melendez, Marinela Capanu, Philip B. Paty, Yuman Fong, Lawrence H. Schwartz, William R. Jarnagin, Dina Patel, and Michael D'Angelica

J Clin Oncol – May 26, 2009

Treatment of Unresectable Primary Liver Cancer With Intrahepatic Fluorodeoxyuridine and Mitomycin C Through an Implantable Pump.

Omar T. Atiq MD, Nancy Kemeny MD, Donna Niedzwiecki PhD, and Jose Botet MD

Cancer Journal – Feb, 1992

Hepatic artery infusion pumps: cannulation techniques and other surgical considerations.

S A Curley, D C Hohn, M S Roh

Langenbecks Arch Chir. – 1990

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